Monday, June 11, 2012


*A series of posts  just plainly complaining of whatever crap I find annoying.


I just really need to vent this one out.

7 years in slave labor (a.k.a: work that you have ZERO
Interest in) and this is the first time that I have noticed the
fact that we actually spend more time working than
actually living.

This only applies to the majority of people who hate the
shitty jobs that they do. 

All this office politics bullshit is tiring. Urgent this..urgent that!
Why do thiswhy not that?! Now Now Now!
I mean come on really?! WTF?!

Yea I know its part of life, it all depends on us 
and blah blah blah. But still.
Sometimes, you just have no choice but to
just freakin’ complain.

Life really is simple.
Only people complicate it.

I hate this feeling. :(

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Saturday, June 9, 2012


You can say I was once of the zombies who was addicted to Facebook. Going thru everyone I know, seeing what their lives are like. I usually am the type of person who doesn’t really care much about how other people live. It’s like for me, you do your thing & I’ll do mine. But then, I started noticing these:

1.       LOOK AT ME!
It’s like every damn second they have a new picture uploaded with captions like “omg I look like crap here!”WTF?! if you think you look like crap, why the hell would you post it in the first place? Either you’re that dumb or just fishing out for compliments.

2.       LOOK AT MY SHIT!
Seriously?! Do you feel that obligated to post pics of your new laptop or mobile or whatever new gadgety-shit you have just to rub it in the faces of others who are less fortunate than you? Does it make you feel superior? Fuckin’ non-sense!

No one gives a crap about what you’re doing every 5 minutes, what you’re eating, how you’re so fuckin’ blessed by God, where you’ve been, what you bought or just whatever shit that is so unimportant. Try to practice having a little privacy for your wannabe-celebrity life.

I’m sure you’ve encountered some of these types if not all. I know I did. It was entertaining at first but made me sick in the end.

Yes, Facebook has its plus points of being able to connect to my friends & relatives anytime I want, being up-to-date with whatever event that’s happening & being able to play games when I’m just bored to death. But, that’s it. Whatever you see after these are all BULL!

I read some statistics somewhere about the effects of using too much Facebook. It showed high rates of people being lazy, dumb, narcissist, bullish, deluded, angry & depressed. I could not agree more on how true it is as I have experienced some of it myself.

I know this does not happen for everyone. But I’m pretty sure that I share the same views with at least 1 person on this planet who would understand this kind of perception.

I won’t shut myself to Facebook entirely, however, I’d rather be at peace & stay logged off for a while. TIP: Use Facebook less. Get a REAL fuckin’ life.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!

How do I describe thee?

More like OMG-gle.cum  >=(

I discovered this thing from YouTube.
There was this guy playing some prank on random strangers around the site, which was funny btw, seeing their reactions & all. Hahaha!

Anyhoo, since I am an overly-curious creature, I decided to try it out myself. The site is so easy to use that even a 2 yr old can operate it. Unlike other chatsites, Omegle does not require you to sign up for a new account, so the great thing about it is you remain completely anonymous.

At the front page, you have an option for the type of chat that you are willing to use. Text or Video. You may even search people with the same interests as yours & you can start chatting away. 

Now, I like to see who I’m talking to, so I chose Video. On the next page, you will see 2 boxes for text on the left & 2 boxes for your cam & the stranger’s cam. Below the 2nd text box, you will see an Esc/Disconnect button, a box where you can type your text & a Send/Enter button.

The chatroom style concept resembles a dice roll. No, you won’t be in a room full of other people flooding the whole screen. It’ll just be you & stranger in the same session. However, when stranger is not your type for whatever reason, this is where the Esc/Disconnect button comes in handy. You may just click on it twice and your conversation will close and you can roll again until you find someone who you feel like speaking to.

Omegle is great for meeting new people that you like without having that awkward moment when you just suddenly say hi to someone in person. I had actually spent 4 days just SPEAKING to random people. Some were nice, some were uhmokay.

BUT, I must warn you, this fuckin’ thing is SWARMING with PESTS, young & old, fat & fit & everything in between. 80% of adult men dangling their schlongs or balls on cam, 10% horny teens doing the same, 7% kids as young as 10 watching & only 3% sane people looking for a decent conversation (good luck finding them). Some are even stupid enough to show their faces while they keep doing their thang. I feel bad though, because I see very good-looking men & women embarrass themselves in public. This might seem fun, but this kind of fun always has consequences.

It’s addicting at first. I like that I got to meet different types of personalities and it was funny in the beginning. But if you are like me, you’ll get bored in less than a week because every freaking shuffle you make, you’ll see the same shit again & again. And I hate doing the same thing over and over (though I am stuck in one…..what!? I have no choice for now!)

I wouldn’t recommend this site, especially if you have kids at home. It’s a time-waster. I just hope the owners would have some control or something to keep underage kids from entering, as they would most likely copy whatever they see like how they already imitate shit that’s considered cool on TV. Its things like these that made Earth so over-fuckin-crowded.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Body Shop Vit. C Facial Radiance Products Review

Honestly, I’ve never been impressed with any of Body Shop’s products. I break out most of the time & usually I’m very careful on what I put on my skin, particularly my face. I don’t use anything but St. Ives Apricot Scrub & SebaMed Protective Facial Cream Moisturizer for babies. Yes, you read that right, for BABIES! I may not have the perfect face in the world, but these are just the products that work on me which gives the softness & protection that I require.

Anyhoo, around 2 months ago, I went to Body Shop to buy for a new eyebrow liner. When in the counter, you know how the sales talk goes, “oh pls try this, pls try that”I usually say no to these offers but the lady had her own face to show & that sparked my curiosity as her face was indeed looking radiant. So, I bought the Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix.

When you first get it, you need to push down the white cap for the powder to be released onto the liquid. Once released, shake them well, change the cap & you can start using it. I’ve used it for a month, and I must say, it’s to die for! This is the first time a Body Shop product actually does what it says on the label. It gives you this lasting glow & at the same time, brightens up your face. They’ve told me that the effect of the product only lasts for 10 days & you need to get a fresh one. Basing from my experience, that’s complete BS! I still kept using it after the said deadline & nothing happened to my face. It didn’t break out & the effect was still there.

Now, my new face routine goes like this:

1.       Wash my face with St. Ives Apricot Scrub. (I know scrubs are bad when used everyday, but for some reason, it does nothing to my face & have been using it since I was 20)
2.       Wipe face dry & apply tiny dots of Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix all over face & massage in circular and upward motions.
3.       Wait for face to dry & let my skin absorb the product completely, then apply my SebaMed Facial Moisturizer & also massage in circular and upward motions.

Sadly, I’ve already run out of the mix and had to buy a new one. I chose the 3 piece set just because it was waayyy cheaper than buying it alone..

The set includes:

1 Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix
·         Already been using it as stated above. Use everyday for 10 days or in my case, a month.

1 Vitamin C Microdermabrasion
·         This is used for exfoliation. Unlike St. Ives Scrub where you can actually see the little balls that scrubs your face, this product is way more fine. It sort of feels like rubbing sand on your skin. I’ve tried it once & it’s like as if my face is sooo clean. To be used on the once a week.

1 Vitamin C Skin boost.
·         This can be used after your moisturizer & before you apply any makeup. The product has this velvety feel & once you apply it, it makes your skin feel flawless. Love it!

Overall, my experience with the Body Shop Vitamin C products is absolutely amazing & I highly recommend it because it’s a product well done with a cheap price tag. No wonder it’s their best seller. I hope they don’t stop making these.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Daily Challenges

Though never actually completing them, I’ve always love me some simple challenges. And now, since I’m actually serious this time to change my life in any way be it big or small, I’ve joined this wonderful site that I would like to share to you & hope that you would find it interesting as I did.

Basically, it helps you to improve your overall well-being. Upon joining (which is free btw!), you will receive your first challenge and it is actually up to you to decide if you want to act on it or not.

Let me give you a little tour:

This is what the first page looks like. If you want to know more about the purpose of the site, you can just click the LEARN MORE link as you see below.

To join, let me show you how:
Once you’ve clicked the “YES SIGN ME UP” link, you will be given a choice to either sign in with your Facebook account or sign up with your email address.

If you do decide to sign up with your email, this is what you’ll see. Just fill the form and hit signup:

 Your next screen will be the following:




(this is the evaluation of your well-being. You can take it now or skip this step)

Once you’re done with this, just go log in to your email first & validate your address.

When completed you will be redirected & this is what your Home screen would look like:

That’s it. Easy right?! So what are you waiting for? Join the fun & change your life!

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to delay from starting your own blog

The debut of this blog has been postponed from since god-knows-when. So based on my own experience, these are the things that would absolutely delay you from starting your own blog……or never actually launching it.

1.     Blog Title

Seriously, stop thinking too much about what title is unique or whatever crap you think that’s different. Just come up with something easy to remember & which reflects you. I spent countless of times thinking of a name, setting up a blog, creating an email & never actually posting on it coz I came up with another name then had to start again. TIP: once done, don’t go back. IT’S A WASTE OF YOUR PRECIOUS TIME.

2.     Theme

So you set up your blog & you want to start posting. But something seems a bit off with the theme. So you change & change & change until you got back to where you started. I’ve downloaded a myriad of themes but was left disappointed at the end coz it’s either the themes don’t work or I’ve found a better one. TIP: SIMPLE is better for a lot of reasons.

3.     Intimidation

Yes, I’ve felt that. Especially when reading from a successful blog and the thought of the market being overcrowded along with the self-doubt of negative “what-ifs”. TIP: Just go for the jump! Go for it! Fuck what anybody says. Don’t listen to that negative ass inside your head.

4.     All about the money

Please, stop thinking about the money. Been there, done that. I went on for days daydreaming about how much money my blog will make when I post this or that or whatever and in the end I come back to reality and realize that I haven’t done anything…AT ALL! TIP: Prioritize on building your blog, sharing your voice & helping others. Then money will follow. All it takes is a little bit of hard work & dedication.

5.     Niche

Actually, since I’m starting out & am a newbie to blogging, I can confirm that I have no certain niche. Yes, I am quite lost for now & I know that’s not right coz we should actually have to be an expert about something in order for us to share it to the world. But I don’t. Instead, I would very much love to talk about anything or everything that interest & excites me. Maybe down the road I would find that “forte” I’m supposed to be doing. For now, I’ll stick to being random. TIP: don’t bang your head on what you should do or not do. Be spontaneous. It’s YOUR blog! YOUR rules!

That’s it. So let not these petty things stop you from creating your wonderful blog.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!