Saturday, June 9, 2012


You can say I was once of the zombies who was addicted to Facebook. Going thru everyone I know, seeing what their lives are like. I usually am the type of person who doesn’t really care much about how other people live. It’s like for me, you do your thing & I’ll do mine. But then, I started noticing these:

1.       LOOK AT ME!
It’s like every damn second they have a new picture uploaded with captions like “omg I look like crap here!”WTF?! if you think you look like crap, why the hell would you post it in the first place? Either you’re that dumb or just fishing out for compliments.

2.       LOOK AT MY SHIT!
Seriously?! Do you feel that obligated to post pics of your new laptop or mobile or whatever new gadgety-shit you have just to rub it in the faces of others who are less fortunate than you? Does it make you feel superior? Fuckin’ non-sense!

No one gives a crap about what you’re doing every 5 minutes, what you’re eating, how you’re so fuckin’ blessed by God, where you’ve been, what you bought or just whatever shit that is so unimportant. Try to practice having a little privacy for your wannabe-celebrity life.

I’m sure you’ve encountered some of these types if not all. I know I did. It was entertaining at first but made me sick in the end.

Yes, Facebook has its plus points of being able to connect to my friends & relatives anytime I want, being up-to-date with whatever event that’s happening & being able to play games when I’m just bored to death. But, that’s it. Whatever you see after these are all BULL!

I read some statistics somewhere about the effects of using too much Facebook. It showed high rates of people being lazy, dumb, narcissist, bullish, deluded, angry & depressed. I could not agree more on how true it is as I have experienced some of it myself.

I know this does not happen for everyone. But I’m pretty sure that I share the same views with at least 1 person on this planet who would understand this kind of perception.

I won’t shut myself to Facebook entirely, however, I’d rather be at peace & stay logged off for a while. TIP: Use Facebook less. Get a REAL fuckin’ life.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!


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