Sunday, May 20, 2012

How to delay from starting your own blog

The debut of this blog has been postponed from since god-knows-when. So based on my own experience, these are the things that would absolutely delay you from starting your own blog……or never actually launching it.

1.     Blog Title

Seriously, stop thinking too much about what title is unique or whatever crap you think that’s different. Just come up with something easy to remember & which reflects you. I spent countless of times thinking of a name, setting up a blog, creating an email & never actually posting on it coz I came up with another name then had to start again. TIP: once done, don’t go back. IT’S A WASTE OF YOUR PRECIOUS TIME.

2.     Theme

So you set up your blog & you want to start posting. But something seems a bit off with the theme. So you change & change & change until you got back to where you started. I’ve downloaded a myriad of themes but was left disappointed at the end coz it’s either the themes don’t work or I’ve found a better one. TIP: SIMPLE is better for a lot of reasons.

3.     Intimidation

Yes, I’ve felt that. Especially when reading from a successful blog and the thought of the market being overcrowded along with the self-doubt of negative “what-ifs”. TIP: Just go for the jump! Go for it! Fuck what anybody says. Don’t listen to that negative ass inside your head.

4.     All about the money

Please, stop thinking about the money. Been there, done that. I went on for days daydreaming about how much money my blog will make when I post this or that or whatever and in the end I come back to reality and realize that I haven’t done anything…AT ALL! TIP: Prioritize on building your blog, sharing your voice & helping others. Then money will follow. All it takes is a little bit of hard work & dedication.

5.     Niche

Actually, since I’m starting out & am a newbie to blogging, I can confirm that I have no certain niche. Yes, I am quite lost for now & I know that’s not right coz we should actually have to be an expert about something in order for us to share it to the world. But I don’t. Instead, I would very much love to talk about anything or everything that interest & excites me. Maybe down the road I would find that “forte” I’m supposed to be doing. For now, I’ll stick to being random. TIP: don’t bang your head on what you should do or not do. Be spontaneous. It’s YOUR blog! YOUR rules!

That’s it. So let not these petty things stop you from creating your wonderful blog.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!


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