Saturday, May 26, 2012

Body Shop Vit. C Facial Radiance Products Review

Honestly, I’ve never been impressed with any of Body Shop’s products. I break out most of the time & usually I’m very careful on what I put on my skin, particularly my face. I don’t use anything but St. Ives Apricot Scrub & SebaMed Protective Facial Cream Moisturizer for babies. Yes, you read that right, for BABIES! I may not have the perfect face in the world, but these are just the products that work on me which gives the softness & protection that I require.

Anyhoo, around 2 months ago, I went to Body Shop to buy for a new eyebrow liner. When in the counter, you know how the sales talk goes, “oh pls try this, pls try that”I usually say no to these offers but the lady had her own face to show & that sparked my curiosity as her face was indeed looking radiant. So, I bought the Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix.

When you first get it, you need to push down the white cap for the powder to be released onto the liquid. Once released, shake them well, change the cap & you can start using it. I’ve used it for a month, and I must say, it’s to die for! This is the first time a Body Shop product actually does what it says on the label. It gives you this lasting glow & at the same time, brightens up your face. They’ve told me that the effect of the product only lasts for 10 days & you need to get a fresh one. Basing from my experience, that’s complete BS! I still kept using it after the said deadline & nothing happened to my face. It didn’t break out & the effect was still there.

Now, my new face routine goes like this:

1.       Wash my face with St. Ives Apricot Scrub. (I know scrubs are bad when used everyday, but for some reason, it does nothing to my face & have been using it since I was 20)
2.       Wipe face dry & apply tiny dots of Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix all over face & massage in circular and upward motions.
3.       Wait for face to dry & let my skin absorb the product completely, then apply my SebaMed Facial Moisturizer & also massage in circular and upward motions.

Sadly, I’ve already run out of the mix and had to buy a new one. I chose the 3 piece set just because it was waayyy cheaper than buying it alone..

The set includes:

1 Vitamin C Facial Radiance Powder Mix
·         Already been using it as stated above. Use everyday for 10 days or in my case, a month.

1 Vitamin C Microdermabrasion
·         This is used for exfoliation. Unlike St. Ives Scrub where you can actually see the little balls that scrubs your face, this product is way more fine. It sort of feels like rubbing sand on your skin. I’ve tried it once & it’s like as if my face is sooo clean. To be used on the once a week.

1 Vitamin C Skin boost.
·         This can be used after your moisturizer & before you apply any makeup. The product has this velvety feel & once you apply it, it makes your skin feel flawless. Love it!

Overall, my experience with the Body Shop Vitamin C products is absolutely amazing & I highly recommend it because it’s a product well done with a cheap price tag. No wonder it’s their best seller. I hope they don’t stop making these.

What’s your story?! I WANNA KNOW!
Rock ‘n’ Roll!


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